May 11, 2020 | Featured, Human Resources
When California business owners closed their doors in mid-March in response to state orders, they weren’t sure what to expect. Many envisioned a couple of weeks of being closed, and then getting back to normal. But by the end of March, it was pretty obvious that...
Apr 9, 2020 | Employee Relations, Human Resources
Jacob Lee* realized he needed to make a drastic change to the way he was classifying and paying his workers. Like many fellow business owners in Los Angeles, Lee comfortably relied on a small army of independent contractors to take care of his clients and get the job...
Mar 12, 2020 | Human Resources
The HR landscape is ever evolving with new employment laws and regulations, innovations in technology and other emerging trends in the recruitment and management of employees. On top of federal requirements, employers in California have a complicated set of state laws...
Mar 4, 2020 | Benefits, PEO
Beginning July 1, 2020, all Association Health Plans must cease renewing existing large group contracts for small employers. As a result, by July 1, 2021, no small employers should be purchasing large group market coverage.Association Health Plans (AHPs) are group...
Feb 3, 2020 | Employee Relations
Since the passing of AB 51, a law that prohibits employers from requiring an applicant or employee to sign an arbitration agreement as a condition of employment, business advocates have been fighting for reprieve. A coalition of business groups led by the United...