Emplicity Blog
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What California Employers Need to Know About New Leave Rights for Reproductive Loss: Your 5-Step Compliance Guide
Authors: Ariella Kupetz, Naz Afshar, and Todd B. ScherwinPrivate employers in California with five or more employees and all public employers in the state must provide employees with leave for reproductive-related loss under a new law that took effect this year. SB...
New Year, New Employment Protections for Cannabis Consumption in California: A 3-Step Guide for Employers
By: Ariella Kupetz, Nazanin Afshar, Todd ScherwinCalifornia employers should take steps now to ensure their policies and practices align with new employment protections for cannabis consumption. Specifically, employers in the state are now barred from discriminating...
Top 7 Reasons Why an Employee Handbook is Essential for Small Businesses
Small businesses often operate like tight-knit families, but that doesn't diminish the need for formal guidelines and policies. An employee handbook is a critical tool for any small business, providing clarity and structure in the workplace. Here are seven reasons why...
5 Workplace HR Traps You Must Avoid at All Costs
Navigating the HR landscape without falling into common pitfalls is crucial. Let's delve into five critical HR traps that every professional should be aware of and avoid. Ignoring Employee Feedback: Often, HR professionals might overlook the importance of employee...
3 Proven Ways to Reduce Your Workers’ Comp Insurance Premiums
Workers' Compensation insurance is a significant expense for many businesses, but there are strategies to manage and reduce these costs effectively. By focusing on workplace safety, claims management, and policy review, companies can often lower their Workers'...
Back to Serving: Delivering Diagnoses and Dinner to Eastern Kenyans Crippled by Drought and Poverty
Emplicity teams up with Heart Africa (AfricaHEART.com) to deliver desperately needed medical help and food to Eastern Kenyans. Not knowing if you have cancer or where your next meal will come from is not simple. With that in mind, Emplicity partnered...
Perks vs. Benefits: Understanding the Key Differences for Employees and Employers
Employee satisfaction plays a crucial role in the success of any organization. One way companies can attract and retain talent is by offering competitive compensation packages, which include both perks and benefits. While they may seem similar at first glance,...
8 Proven Strategies to Minimize Workplace Stress for a Healthier Work Environment
It is well known that stress is a common challenge that can negatively impact both employees and the overall success of a business. Employers can play a critical role in reducing workplace stress by implementing effective strategies. Here, we explore eight proven ways...
7 Essential Steps for a Successful Employee Onboarding Experience
As a business owner or human resources professional, you understand the importance of effectively onboarding new employees. A well-executed onboarding process can improve employee engagement, increase retention rates, and foster a positive work environment. This...