emplicity knows
We support all of your critical HR responsibilities resulting in safer, happier and more productive employees.
emplicity knows franchises.
We support all of your critical HR responsibilities resulting in safer, happier and more productive employees. COMPARE PLANSREQUEST QUOTEWe Help California Franchises Thrive.
Our flexible HR solutions grow with you and your employees.
No Call Center. No Runaround.
Real People That Solve Real Problems.
Human Resources
We limit costs and minimize employer-related risk while supporting your most critical employee decisions and responsibilities.
Support with governmental regulations and reporting requirements, minimizing your exposure to liability.
From basics like cutting paychecks and distributing W2’s to complex matters like tracking wage garnishments and creating customized reports.
Workers' Comp
Our occupational Claims Management system is customized to fit your company’s unique needs.
We alleviate the hassle of managing a top-notch benefits package so that you can focus on your business.
Our Human Resources Information System (HRIS) keeps your team productive and allows you to focus on your business.
Training & Safety
Inspection, training, investigation and general guidance is provided at the highest level to promote a safe and productive work environment.
Online Education
Self-paced learning for employees or mandatory tracks based on your company requirements all with easy to use setup and monitoring.
We create compelling employment propositions that resonate with top candidates whose professional motivations align with yours.
Worry Less. Get More Done.
Emplicity makes HR simple so you can focus on growing your business.
Emplicity Keeps You Informed.
- Wage And Hour
- Record Keeping
- Exempt And Non-Exempt Classifications
- Paid Family And Sick Leave Laws
Emplicity’s HR outsourcing program provides de- tailed suggestions to get you back into compliance – and keep you there.
Overlooking employment laws and regulations or not following the proper protocol can lead to costly litigation and penalties. Our experienced HR con- sultants can help you to have the right policies and practices in place to help limit your liability.
- Assess HR Compliance, Policies And Procedures
- Provide Management Training And Assistance To Control Workers’ Compensation Expenses
Emplicity Keeps You Protected.
to help you maximize your staff’s potential at every phase of the employment cycle—from recruiting and retaining the best employees to postseparation logis- tics. Ensuring your critical policies and procedures are fully compliant with ever-changing employment laws, Emplicity can assist you with:
- Full Compliance With EEOC, FMLA, FLSA, IRCA
- Title VII Of The Civil Rights Act
- Employee Handbooks
- Managing Leaves Of Absence
- Handling Unemployment & Disability Claims
- Management And Supervisory Training
- Awareness Programs For Harassment And Violence
- Proper Hiring And Termination Techniques
- Regulatory Form Compliance
- Drug & Alcohol, Physical-Fitness Testing and penalties.
Our experienced HR consultants can help you to have the right policies and practices in place to help limit your liability.
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