8 Common Employee Handbook Mistakes

Having clear and concise policies for employees is essential in keeping the workplace a safe and productive place. This firmly sets the expectations for employee performance and conduct to help prevent misunderstandings and resolve disputes before they can escalate....

The Biggest Reason Your Employees Are Quitting

When you find amazing employees, you want to hold on to them as long as you can. When they inevitably leave, it can have you wondering why. The biggest reason your employees are quitting is that they’re just not engaged. A poll by Gallup found that only 33% of...

5 Common Workplace Lawsuits and How to Avoid Them

Lawsuits against a business are not uncommon, especially in this heavily litigious day and age. When a lawsuit stems from an employee it can sting a little more, both emotionally and financially. Workplace lawsuits, especially in California, can be incredibly costly...