Mar 7, 2018 | Corporate News
California employers may not like what they see during the state’s 2018 legislative session. Now that the deadline for introducing new bills has passed, we can see what has been submitted, and get an idea of where this year’s focus will be. Once again, it appears the...
Jan 17, 2018 | Corporate News, Human Resources
In 2018, small business owners are facing a lot of uncertainties in regards to taxes, regulations, ever-changing labor laws, and one of the most pressing issues in the news today, sexual harassment. It can be exhausting staying on top of all of the issues concerning...
Nov 21, 2017 | Employee Relations, Human Resources
Sexual harassment in the workplace can cost employers millions of dollars each year due to diminished productivity, costly litigation, and reduced morale. It’s critical for employers to not only educate employees on the different types of harassment in the workplace,...
Oct 25, 2017 | Employee Relations, Human Resources
As sexual abuse allegations against Harvey Weinstein continue to mount against him, employers are beginning to take a second look at their own harassment policies to avoid being a part of the next scandal. According to a 2016 study released by the United States Equal...