Jul 12, 2021 | Health & Safety, Human Resources
Last year, Governor Newsom declared a state of emergency as wildfires and extreme heat caused rolling blackouts for the first time in nearly two decades. This year state officials announced that by August, California should have roughly 3,500 additional megawatts of...
Mar 22, 2021 | Health & Safety
Updates were made to the IIPP Safety Orders (Section 3203 of the California Code of Regulations) that went into effect at the beginning of this quarter, to ensure employee access to their employer’s Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) and specify who can...
Jun 3, 2020 | Employee Relations, Health & Safety, Human Resources
When civil unrest leads to damage and destruction, employers within the community face many challenges. Businesses in areas where protesters may gather are often forced to close their doors early or cease operations for a longer period of time. Businesses that carry a...
Mar 9, 2020 | Health & Safety, PEO
As the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, abbreviated as COVID-19, continues to spread, sensational media coverage has led to fear and panic, especially among those in the United States. Employers are pulling out their emergency preparedness plans, checking and updating supply...
Jan 14, 2020 | Health & Safety, PEO
Be safety aware and lower your workers’ compensation premiums.On January 1, 2020, changes to Cal/OSHA’s reporting requirements went into effect, making them even more specific than before and adding confusion for employers in the state who are struggling to juggle...